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Top 7 things to see in Tuscany

With most impressive buildings, beautiful and incredible museums and panoramic views, there are lots of amazing things to see in Tuscany. Find out here the list of top seven things to see in Tuscany. 


  • Florence Cathedral 

Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in not only Italy or Tuscany bit also in entire Europe. Enriched with historical sites, Florence Cathedral is the most impressive building by Gothic architecture. The Cathedral is built in 1436 and known for its incredible dome and its attractive interiors. 


  • Ponte Vecchio


It is the oldest bridge in Europe made in the 10th century.  The bridge was built for the purpose of crossing the Arno River and is an outstanding example of engineering.  It is the only bridge that survived in the second world war. The bridge offers panoramic views with a number of jewellry and crafts shops. It is a must-see attraction in Florence. 


  • Uffizi Gallery 


As the city of Florence is the art capital of the world, there are many top-quality museums. The most famous among these is the Uffizi Gallery. Almost 2 million people visited the Uffizi gallery every year. The gallery displays the most important artworks of Italian artists which include Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michaelangelo, Caravaggio, and many others. 


  • Accademia Gallery 


Another museum with a collection of incredible art is the Accademia Gallery. The Accademia Gallery or the Galleria dell's Accademia is the second most visited museum in the world hereafter the Uffizi Gallery. The museum attracts tourists for its great works. It is most known for housing the Michelangelo's “Statue of David” which is made of a single block of marble. 


  • Piazza del Campo


Situated in the city of Siena, It is one of the most spectacular and most popular Medival squares of the world. Piazza del Campo is known for the house of Gaia Fountain, the fountain of the world and for hosting the famous horse race named Palio di Siena twice a year. It is worth watching the activity here. 


  • Elba

Elba is one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean located near the Piombino, a village in Tuscany. It is the place where the French Emperor Napoleon lived his final years. This island offers panoramic views with long beaches, spectacular cliffs, and beautiful buildings. 


  • Siena Cathedral


The cathedral of Siena is one of the most iconic churches in the city of Italy. It was constructed in 1215 and took 150 years for completion. It is known for its beautifully designed both interior and exterior. Its features include mosaic floor, attractive hexagonal dome, and collection of incredible arts and architectures which includes “The Feast of Herod” by Donatello which is one of the most beautiful buildings in Italy. 
