We bloggers
Free, exclusive travel rewards for specially invited bloggers

Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel, one of 400,000 hotels in our Travel Lovers Rewards Club.
Benefit 1: Hotel savings for savvy travelers
1If you're seeing this page, you've been invited to accept your free membership in the Travel Lovers Rewards Club.
Use your membership to lower your hotel bills by a total of up to $250 for the next year at more than 400,000 hotels in the U.S. & abroad. Participating hotels include Hyatt, Hilton, Four Seasons, Marriott and thousands more!
Real-world example: In November 2015 the Lasicas reduced their bill at the 5-star Conrad Hilton Istanbul from $569 to $354 for a two-night stay — a $215 savings.
How it works: We have arranged for $250 in Wellness Dollars to be set aside for club members, thanks to partnerships with major wholesalers. You can’t spend Wellness Dollars, but you can apply them — dollar for dollar — to lower your hotel room fare.
Once you accept, we'll send you instructions to log into your online account. Here are some recent examples of hotel room savings in New York, Chicago and Orlando.
There's no catch. Down the line, if you like the program, feel free to spread the word to your blog's readers and we'll whip up a special discount code for them.
Benefit 2: Airport security in 5 minutes or less
2CLEAR: You may have seen the signs for CLEAR at airport security lines. Cruiseable has partnered with CLEAR to give Travel Lovers Rewards members a free three-month trial of CLEAR, and a $20 discount per year after that. Get through security in 5 minutes or less with the help of
CLEAR’s service trained staff. No line, no wait, no worries. Here's a list of
current airports covered, with more on the way.

Thousands of photos for food bloggers & others to use.
Benefit 3: Content exchange (optional)
3Up your game! To increase your blog’s domain authority and, in turn, how high your posts rank in search results, Cruiseable is offering eligible blog partners a free content exchange.
Cruiseable writers are travel journalists, not content marketers, and many of us belong to the Society of American Travel Writers.
Cruiseable will provide you with a Google doc containing feature articles that you’re free to repurpose or republish on your blog. Topics include consumer & money-saving tips, luxury travel, travel apps & gadgets, family travel, solo travel, theme cruises, LGBT travel & more. We’ll also post your guest posts (with linkbacks) on Cruiseable, helping your ranking.
Courtesy of Paul Gauguin CruisesPaul Gauguin's Tere Moana off the island of Delos, Greece.
Benefit 4: Lower cruise fares
4Interested in a cruise? Cruiseable is able to offer you — or your relatives or friends — rates that are often hundreds of dollars lower than rates you'll find anywhere on the Web. Our arrangement with the 33 leading cruise lines makes that possible.
Additional perks
- BloggerBridge: We're big fans of BloggerBridge and will be happy to make an introduction. BloggerBridge connects more than 3,000 travel bloggers with major brands who pay bloggers for their coverage, fly bloggers to events, etc. You decide which offers to pursue.
- Cruise Ambassadors: If you're serious about cruising, you'll want to join Cruiseable's Cruise Ambassadors program. Here are the advantages to being an ambassador, and here are our early ambassadors. Just contact us to join — it's free.
Please fill in these simple fields and you'll be admitted to the Travel Lovers Reward Club.
No other obligations — just travel benefits!
Cruiseable is the consumer brand of Agile Travel Group
Member, Cruise Lines International Association