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Community guidelines

Community guidelines

We're working hard to build a thoughtful, diverse cruise and travel community by fostering a welcoming atmosphere for open conversation. You're free to disagree, but we won't tolerate personal attacks or boorish behavior. Here are a few guidelines that govern this site:

Be kind

We’re a diverse community made up of people from all  types of backgrounds and we welcome your voice in the mix. That said, we all have the right to feel comfortable in our online activities without being confronted by hurtful speech. So be polite and respectful in your interactions with other members. Comments or posts that are disrespectful of others are subject to removal.

Be smart

In our comments section and elsewhere, be aware that what you post is open to the entire public and will remain online for a long time. We encourage you to use your real name, just be aware of the consequences.

Don’t spam

Cruiseable isn't the place to spam people with deals or to extol the wonders of your travel agency, tour company or other service. Feel free to talk about your business on your profile page, and feel free to share your expertise in articles, posts or comments. But we'll remove any spam or ads from comments and issue a warning; a second violation will result in your banishment to a dark corner of the Internet, far away from the sunshine of Cruiseable.

Don’t post anything obscene or hateful

While we encourage a robust exchange of ideas, remember that this is a family-friendly site. We have the right to remove material that is hateful, defamatory, obscene or that infringes on others’ rights. And that includes the icon you use for your profile. This is not a venue for you to harass, abuse, slur, impersonate or intimidate others. Take that elsewhere, bub.

Be engaging

This isn’t a rule, just a suggestion. We'd love to hear from you, and we hope you’ll contribute with comments, photos and the occasional review or story. Let folks know what you think. This is your community, too.

Help us help you

If you spot a posting that seems to violate these common-sense guidelines, please call it to our attention by clicking the flag icon under a comment or by using the Contact link at the bottom of every page. Please include the url of the specific page on which the offending content appears; this gives us all the information we need to take action.

And finally

If you feel that you can’t comply with these Community Guidelines, perhaps this isn’t the place for you. We’ve crafted these guidelines to ensure that everyone within our community has the kind of experience they want. We reserve the right to withdraw certain posts and remove inappropriate comments.

You may also want to check out our Terms of Service and Privacy policy. If you ever have a question or comment, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to phone, text or email us!




Cruiseable team
The Cruiseable editorial team consists of award-winning travel writers, cruise bloggers and journalists.
