How our Bliss Filters work
See something on Cruiseable that doesn't square with your own experience? Have you spotted gaps in our coverage?
We're a tech startup created by a small but talented team of passionate travel writers and technologists. And while we can't be on every one of the 900 ships in our database, we can provide insights based on your experiences.
So we've built Cruiseable as a travel publication, a booking engine and as a platform — for you. We'll try to keep our photo galleries up to date — yes, photos of all 900-plus ships plus, critically, destinations — and we try to update information and itineraries for each ship. (Even the cruise lines themselves often have erroneous or outdated information on their own sites.)
In return, we're looking to cruisers like you to share your own experiences and expertise.
You can:
(When you register — a 15-second sign-up — you'll see these options underneath your user icon.)
We're here to listen, learn and collaborate as co-creators. Thanks for your wisdom and generosity!